Work Experiences
May 2022 -- Present
Senior DevOps Engineer
Tehran, Iran
- Reduced infrastructure costs by migrating workloads to ARM64-based servers on Hetzner Cloud
- Designed scalable Swarm clusters for staging and production using Terragrunt, Terraform, and Ansible
- Refactored codebases of 10+ projects to improve deployment stability and maintainability (12-Factor)
- Migrated critical services to Docker Swarm to optimize resource usage and simplify operations
- Set up a PostgreSQL cluster with automated backups and zero-downtime migration procedures
- Automated provisioning across multiple environments using Terraform and Ansible
- Deployed self-hosted services like Sentry and GitLab to reduce reliance on external SaaS providers
- Built centralized monitoring with Grafana, Loki, and Prometheus, and created custom dashboards
- Configured Grafana OnCall with escalation policies and on-call schedules for incident management
- Standardized CI/CD pipelines to improve build and deployment speed across all projects
- Maintained a multi-cloud setup on Hetzner and AWS to balance availability and infrastructure costs
- Implemented review apps to provide preview environments for testing and QA
Jan 2024 -- Sep 2024
Senior DevOps Engineer
Tehran, Iran
- Standardized CI/CD templates across 50+ repositories to unify deployment processes
- Deployed and managed Kafka clusters using Ansible, ensuring reliable event streaming
- Operated ClickHouse clusters with 50TB+ of time-series data for real-time analytics
- Automated ClickHouse backups and handled production schema migrations
- Built an automatically scalable RKE2 cluster on Hetzner with Terraform and Ansible
- Integrated Cluster Autoscaler to dynamically scale nodes based on workload
- Developed a Custom Pod Autoscaler (CPA) to scale workers based on Kafka consumer lag
- Created Kubernetes manifests for 20+ microservices and managed deployments via ArgoCD
- Automated server management for 50+ nodes with Ansible, covering firewall and user setups
- Maintained 100+ VMs and ensured availability of Kafka, ClickHouse, and ScyllaDB clusters
University of Tehran
Jul 2022 -- Jun 2023
DevOps Engineer
Tehran, Iran
- Provisioned a 20+ node HPC cluster using Terraform, Ansible, Slurm, Singularity, and Nvidia Enroot
- Optimized GPU workloads for 10+ researchers by integrating Nvidia Enroot with Slurm via Nvidia Pyxis
- Managed permissions and quotas for 200+ users and created 5+ resource-specific queues for jobs
- Deployed a Grafana monitoring stack to monitor cluster resources and workloads
Pishgam Vira
Mar 2022 -- Jun 2022
DevOps Engineer
Tehran, Iran
- Provisioned Docker Swarm clusters and database servers with Ansible across 3+ environments
- Wrote Docker Compose manifests for streamlined deployments
- Set up CI/CD pipelines for 5+ repositories using GitHub Actions
- Automated versioning with semantic-release
Mobtaker Darya
Nov 2019 -- Jun 2022
Full-stack Developer & DevOps Engineer
Tehran, Iran
- Maintained and developed the CCS project, generating 50+ reports with Crystal Reports and SQL Server
- Developed the Shaahin project with a ReactJS frontend and Hasura/PostgreSQL backend
- Implemented CI/CD pipelines using GitLab CI and Docker
- Provisioned servers with Kubernetes, writing manifests and packaging them in Helm Charts
- Managed infrastructure using Terraform and Ansible
Tolou Yekta Samaneh
Mar 2019 -- Oct 2019
Full-stack Developer
Tehran, Iran
- Maintained and refactored the Managed-Funds System (MFD) using Loopback.io, Node.js, TypeScript, and PostgreSQL
- Replaced Process360 with ProcessMaker as the BPMS core and developed a new UI using ReactJS and TypeScript
- Implemented form generators in the client with schema integration from BPMS
- Developed a food-shopping UI for the Farmeal project using ReactJS, MaterialUI, Apollo Client, and TypeScript
- Set up CI/CD pipelines using GitLab CI and Docker for ManagedFunds and Farmeal projects
ChaM (Chapar Messenger)
Dec 2013 -- Aug 2018
Founder & Lead Developer
Tehran, Iran
- Designed and developed an audio/video messaging platform using C, Erlang, and Java
- Implemented P2P connections and used Cassandra/ScyllaDB for chat data management
- Created a desktop client with Qt/QML (C++) and an Android app with Java and JNI
- Integrated FFMPEG for audio/video streaming with native APIs
- Managed full-stack development, including server infrastructure and client interfaces
Research Experiences
Graduate Research Assistant
Feb 2023 -- Aug 2024
Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science
University of Tehran
Advisor: Prof. Bagher Babaali
- Researching deep learning-based seizure detection with GNNs and bio-signal transformers
- Implemented the model using PyTorch, PyTorch Geometric, and PyTorch Lightning
- Used Captum for model interpretability
- Monitored metrics with TensorBoard
Teaching Experiences
Machine Learning
Oct 2023 -- Feb 2024
Prof. Bagher Babaali
University of Tehran
- Assisted in teaching machine learning topics and troubleshooting student issues
- Organized and managed homework assignments for mentored students